Engaging Families With STAR Read-Aloud Practices

Engaging Families
One way that teachers can strengthen family partnerships is by using the STAR Read-Aloud Practices. STAR enhances how teachers and caregivers read with children. Reading in the home with children is a great thing! However, research demonstrates that most adults do not reference print while reading with children. When teachers and caregivers reference print while reading with children (as outlined in the full STAR professional development), they can support children’s development of print knowledge, a necessary component of literacy.
Engaging Families 2
You can educate caregivers on the importance and benefits of print referencing while book reading by offering a STAR workshop. There is a downloadable PowerPoint presentation that teachers can use and modify to show caregivers how to target print knowledge while book reading.

Engaging Families 3
Offering attendance incentives may help increase caregiver attendance at your STAR Read-Aloud Practices Workshop. If possible, we suggest that teachers offer free childcare throughout the workshop, bring light refreshments for families to enjoy, and do a brief demonstration of print referencing with the children in attendance.

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After you conduct an initial caregiver workshop, schedule a refresher workshop later in the year. Encourage caregivers to bring print-rich books from home to share with each other. Create an open atmosphere where caregivers can bring questions and challenges from their experience reading at home.